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Lawyers & Lawcourts

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Mark Anthony Escobedo, 28, was arrested in connection to a fight with a 37-year-old Watsonville man

Mark Anthony Escobedo, 28, was arrested in connection to a fight with a 37-year-old Watsonville man at a bar on Nov. 16.The victim was involved in an altercation at the bar on East Lake Avenue, and received severe injuries when he was slashed multiple times on his chest and back with a sharp cutting instrument, according to police. The police department's gang unit was able to identify Escobedo as the suspect.During Friday's arrest, police said they found evidence connected to the incident, a loaded sawed-off shotgun and crystal methamphetamine.Escobedo was charged with one count of assault with a deadly weapon, possession of an illegal sawed-off shotgun, possession of methamphetamine, possession of a loaded firearm while in possession of a controlled substance and the illegal possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. He was booked in County Jail.The condition of the victim was not available Saturday.


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